Inherited Destiny

Today was the day I embarked on the 20 hour long trek to the motherland to visit my grandparents and expand my business. A trip I know is going to make a beautiful impression on my mind, body, and soul. I am deciding to blog everyday of my time here to help me practice getting out of my comfort zone and sharing more of myself with the world. I want to also share how I even opened myself up to this opportunity because I feel like the backstory is important. 

     My grandad has lived in Zambia being one of the head surgeons at a women's health clinic for 10+ years. My grandparents have been living in Zambia and Alabama for as long as I can remember. I have always dreamed of coming to stay with them here in Zambia. However, I haven’t always had the best relationship with my grandfather. He’s an amazing person overall and is a great example of a true trailblazing leader , he’s also an Aries like me. :) But there have  been things done in the past that I just didn’t agree with so we’ve never been super close. I realized me holding on to those things was keeping me from being open to coming and staying with him in a whole different continent.

     Around January of this year I was going through a deep healing phase, meditating, journaling, listening to readings etc. Everyday for two weeks I  kept getting this message of me having an inheritance and I didn’t feel like it resonated because I never really expected my grandparents to do that for me. I say that because usually when you come from black excellence you are naturally born under pressure to help carry the mantle of the blood, sweat, and sacrifice it took for your people to get where they are now. Most of the time if you don’t want to do what they may have planned for you, they aren’t that willing to help you because for them it's like they are helping you throw your life away and their hard earned money with it.

    My grandmother has always been supportive of me but when I Initially made the decision to not go to college anymore I could tell both of my grandparents were disappointed in me. It felt like I had wasted all the time and energy they put into giving me these amazing experiences growing up so I could be an exceptional scholar. I remember specifically the last time I saw my grandfather in America he said to me in a very stern voice, “ Dreama get back in school.” Ultimately he was right, because I am going back this fall to get my psych degree so I can carry out my divine plans. 

     One day, after I kept getting the inheritance message, I spoke out loud, “ I am ready for my inheritance.” I said it three times and I really felt it because I was tired of living as if I don’t come from a very abundant bloodline and everything I needed was within me and my family. The next day my grandmother called me and said they wanted to buy my ticket to come visit them in Africa.  I was so shocked but super excited because I had been really wanting to leave America for the past couple of years. I have come to learn that an inheritance isn’t always of monetary value, there are more valuable things to be passed down to the children such as knowledge, family history, family heirlooms, land, assets etc. 

     Now I can’t lie and say money wouldn’t be nice since I am trying to figure out how to pay my bills while I am here and my business is kinda on hold because of it. However, I am not stressing about it or dependent upon it. I have learned so much since being here with my grandparents and just asking them about our family. So much abundance and beauty in our family stories and I intend to share as much as I am told to by my ancestors. Maybe that is my inheritance, the knowledge of my roots so that way I can create my own wealth, my own abundance from knowing the truth about who and where I come from. Sometimes that’s more than enough to keep you grounded on your path. Knowing what was done for you to be here and be all that you are despite every obstacle, they overcame, so you can too.

     Anyway, the jet lag is finally settling in and my eyes are getting heavy, until next time. xoxo - BEAM


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  • What a great read!

    Chelsie Luck
  • I love the truth telling and insightful thoughts that you are coming into Dreama. Truly grateful that you are having an experience of a lifetime! Continue to grow and gain knowledge on this next chapter of life. Sending love, peace and healing everyday. Much respect to your grandparents. Your ancestors are proud and so are we!

    Always in your corner,

    Clarice Adbul-Bey

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